If you are having connection issues, we highly recommend using a computer instead of a mobile device as mobile connections tend to be less stable.
- Make sure all other applications which may use audio and video are completely closed (such as Skype or Zoom).
- Make sure that your browser has permissions to use your camera and microphone and that you’re using the latest browser versions
- Make sure your computer or device is fully charged or connected to a charger.
- Switch browsers: if you are using Google Chrome, try connecting with Firefox. If you’re using Firefox, try connecting with Google Chrome.
- Restart your computer/device
- If you have another computer or device, try switching devices
- Disable any Windows Firewall, Windows Defender AntiVirus programs (McAffee, Symantec, Norton, Kaspersky, Avast, etc) as these programs can sometimes block access to the other user.
- Update your computer's operating system.
- Check this page https://app.chime.aws/check to see if your network and device are able to reach our lesson provider
IMPORTANT: In case none of the above helped, and you're connected from a computer, please enter the lesson using Chrome browser, and when the issue occurs, take a console screenshot. That will show us the exact error that's occurring on your side. Here's how:
- Right-click on the screen when the problem occurs.
- Click "Inspect"
- Click the "Console" tab
- Take a screenshot of all of the text you see there. The red text shows us the errors that are happening.
- Send the screenshot to our support team here with the link to the lesson where the problem occurred. Alternatively, you may email it to livesupport@busuu.com